Employee Share Scheme Statement History
This window enables you to input information and generate a Self Print Employee Share Scheme (ESS) Statement and produce the ATO Employee Share Scheme (ESS) Annual Report.

An Employee Share Scheme (ESS), also known as an Employee Share Option Plan (ESOP), is a contribution plan that remunerates employees by providing them with securities or an option to acquire securities and create a beneficial interest in the company.
An ESS can generally be used to entice, retain, and reward employees where offering large salaries is not a viable option for a company. It can also provide as an incentive for employees to improve their performance as the prospect of having a beneficial interest may encourage them to commit to the growth of the company in order to increase their own wealth down the track
- No prerequisites
Rules and Guidelines
- Click the New button to create a separate record for the employee.
- Click the Drill-down option to view more information on each record.
There are two kinds of files that can be created based on the details from this screen:
- Share Scheme File for the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
The Acquisition Date is a mandatory reporting field in the Share Scheme File.
- Employee Share Scheme Statement for the employee
The Acquisition Date is only mandatory on the Employee Share Scheme Statement for S Scheme Type (Start-Up).
- Share Scheme File for the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
- The fields displayed in the drill-down window via Employee Self Service (ESS) are not editable.
Field Information

This displays the Financial Year value.

This is the holding number associated with the value in the Scheme Type field.

This is an indicator of whether a record is an amendment record.
A ticked box indicates that it is an amendment record.

Version starts at 0 for the original Statement record and gets accumulated by +1 for every amendment record created.

This field displays the date when the Employee Share Scheme Statement has been amended.

This field displays the time when the Employee Share Scheme Statement has been amended.

If the Statement was effectively included in a Create ATO ESS File process, the date of the file creation will be populated here.

A Statement could be in any of the below status:
- G - Record Generated: The statement record is only generated.
- G - Amendment Record Generated: The statement record is generated as a result of amending a Downloaded statement.
- C - ATO ESS File Created: The statement record is included in an ATO ESS File that is not yet downloaded.
- D - ATO ESS File Downloaded:The statement record is included in an ATO ESS File that has been downloaded, and possibly sent to ATO.
- P - Superceded: The statement record has been downloaded and amended. Records with this status will no longer be included in future Create ATO ESS File process.
Drill-down Information
Double click on each entry to open the drill-down window.

Enter the year applicable for this report. The value in this field should not be greater than the current financial year and not less than 2016. In cases where the information reported is, for example, for the Financial Year '1 July 2015' to '30 June 2016', this field must be reported as '2016'.
Note that only one financial year can be reported per file.

This is the holding number associated with the value in the Scheme Type field.
- SRN, or Security Holder Reference Number, is allocated by an issuer to identify a holder on an issuer sponsored or certificated subregister.
- HIN, or Holder Identification Number, is a number that identifies registration on the Clearing House Electronic Subregister System (CHESS) subregister.

This is an indicator of whether a record is an amendment record.
A ticked box indicates that it is an amendment record.

This identifier can be the ESS provider's employee number or any other unique identifier the ESS provider can use to identify the employee.

This field specifies the scheme type. If the value in the SRN/HIN field is greater than zero, enter one of the values from the table.
Only for S Scheme Type will the Acquisition Date be made mandatory for the Employee Share Scheme Statement.
When P Scheme Type is selected, all other fields will be disabled with zero (0) as value, except for the Number of ESS – Taxing Point where the user can input their desired value. Additionally, when the Type P is selected and the Financial Year input value is 2019 and before, the Discount on ESS Interests field will be enabled where the user can input their desired value. For Financial Year 2020 and after, the field will be disabled with zero (0) as value.
Code | Description |
C | Pre 2016 Holding Type Certified |
D | Deferral schemes |
E |
Taxed up-front scheme - eligible for reduction |
I |
Pre 2016 Holding Type SRN |
N |
Taxed up-front scheme - not eligible for reduction |
P |
ESS interest acquired pre 1 July 2009 Only valid for 2019 and prior |
S |
Start-up concession |
X | Pre 2016 Holding Type HIN |

The security code identifies the financial product. It may be either an Australian securities exchange (ASX) code or an International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) security code.
It is important to note that:
- This number is only required to be reported in the year the ESS interests are acquired. It will not be required to be reported again in a future year.
- If the Scheme Type field has a value of E, this field may be greater than zero. If the Scheme Type field has a value of D, N, P, or S, this field must be filled with a value of zero.
- If the Discount for reduction field is greater than zero, this field must be greater than zero.
Taxed Up Front Scheme

Enter the amount of ESS interests acquired throughout the financial year that are not eligible for deferral but can be eligible for reduction. It is important to note that:
- This number is only required to be reported in the year the ESS interests are acquired. It will not be required to be reported again in a future year.
- If the Scheme Type field has a value of E, this field may be greater than zero. If the Scheme Type field has a value of D, N, P, or S, this field must be filled with a value of zero.
- If the Discount for Reduction field is greater than zero, this field must be greater than zero.

Specify the amount of the income assessable from ESS interests acquired during the financial year not eligible for deferral but eligible for reduction.
- This amount is only required to be reported in the year the ESS interests are acquired. It will not be required to be reported again in a future year.
- If the Scheme Type field has a value of E, this field may be greater than zero. If the Scheme Type field has a value of D, N, P, or S, this field must be filled with a value of zero.

Specify the acquisition price of shares acquired during the financial year not eligible for deferral but eligible for reduction.
- This must be in whole dollars (e.g. 10,000,01 to 0000000010000; 1234.99 to 0000000001234).
- If this is zero, this field will be filled with zeroes (e.g. 0000000000000).

Specify the amount of ESS interests that were acquired throughout the financial year that are not eligible for reduction of deferral. It is important to note that:
- This number is only required to be reported in the year the ESS interests are acquired. It will not be required to be reported again in a future year.
- If the Scheme Type field has a value of N, this field may be greater than zero. If the Scheme Type field has a value of E, D, P, or S, this field must be filled with a value of zero.
- If the Discount Not for Reduction field is greater than zero, this field must be greater than zero.

Specify the amount of the income assessable from ESS interests acquired during the financial year not eligible for reduction or deferral.
- This number is only required to be reported in the year the ESS interests are acquired. It will not be required to be reported again in a future year.
- If the Scheme Type field has a value of N, this field may be greater than zero. If the Scheme Type field has a value of E, D, P, or S, this field must be filled with a value of zero.

Specify the acquisition price of shares acquired during the financial year not eligible for deferral or reduction.
- This must be in whole dollars (e.g. 10,000,01 to 0000000010000; 1234.99 to 0000000001234).
- If this is zero, this field will be filled with zeroes (e.g. 0000000000000).
Deferral Scheme
Specify the amount of the income assessable from ESS interests with a deferred taxing point during the financial year.

This is the discount from Deferral Schemes with a deferred taxing point arising during the year.
If the Scheme Type field is not D, this field this field must be filled with a value of zero.

Enter the number of ESS interests acquired throughout the financial year that are eligible for deferral.
If the Scheme Type field has a value of D, this field may be greater than zero. If the Scheme Type field has a value of E, N, P, or S, this field must be filled with a value of zero.

Enter the number of ESS interests with a deferred taxing point throughout the financial year.
- If known, the number of ESS interests acquired before 1 July 2009 for which a cessation time has occurred during the financial year should also be included here.
- If the Scheme Type field has a value of D or P, this field may be greater than zero. If the Scheme Type field has a value of E, N, or S, this field must have a value of zero.

Specify the acquisition price of shares acquired during the financial year eligible for deferral.
- This must be in whole dollars (e.g. 10,000,01 to 0000000010000; 1234.99 to 0000000001234).
- If the Scheme Type field is NOT D, this field will be filled with zeroes (e.g. 0000000000000).
Pre 1 July 2009 and Cessation Time

Specify the amount of income from ESS interests acquired by the employee before July 1, 2009 for which a cessation time has occurred during the related financial year.
- This field must be reported in whole dollars.
- If the Scheme Type field has a value of P, this field may be greater than zero. If the Scheme Type field has a value of E, D, N, or S, this field must be filled with a value of zero.

Click this button to print the Employee Share Scheme Statement document for Year End.
Note that the print format (i.e. Window Faced or Z-fold) of this document is set via Employee Share Scheme Reconciliation Statement screen.

Specify the amount of income from ESS interests acquired by the employee before July 1, 2009 for which a cessation time has occurred during the related financial year.
- This field must be reported in whole dollars.
- Zero is a valid value for this field.

Version starts at 0 for the original Statement record and gets accumulated by +1 for every amendment record created.
Employer Information

This field is validated against the Employer Information screen.

This field is validated against the Employer Information screen.
Acquisition of shares under start up concession

This refers to the number of shares acquired during the year when the ESS start-up concession applies.
- This number is only required to be reported in the year the ESS interests are acquired. It will not be required to be reported again in a future year.
- If the Scheme Type field has a value of S, this field may be greater than zero. If the Scheme Type field has a value of E, D, N, or P, this field must have a value of zero.
- If the Market value of shares acquired field is greater than zero, this field must be greater than zero.

This refers to the market value of shares acquired during the year when the ESS start-up concession applies.
- This field is reported in whole dollars.
- This number is only required to be reported in the year the ESS interests are acquired. It will not be required to be reported again in a future year.
- If the Scheme Type field has a value of S, this field may be greater than zero. If the Scheme Type field has a value of E, D, N, or P, this field should be filled with zeroes.

This refers to the acquisition price of shares acquired during the year when the ESS start-up concession applies.
- This field is reported in whole dollars.
- This number is only required to be reported in the year the ESS interests are acquired. It will not be required to be reported again in a future year.
- If the Scheme Type field has a value of S, this field may be greater than zero. If the Scheme Type field has a value of E, D, N, or P, this field should be filled with zeroes.

This refers to the acquisition date of the shares or rights/options.
This field should be validated if the Number of shares acquired field or the Number of options acquired field is populated.
NOTE: The only time that the Acquisition Date is populated in the Employee Share Scheme Statement is when the Scheme Type is S.
Acquisition of Options under Start up Concession

This refers to the number of options acquired during the year when the ESS start-up concession applies.
- This number is only required to be reported in the year the ESS interests are acquired. It will not be required to be reported again in a future year.
- If the Scheme Type field has a value of S, this field may be greater than zero. If the Scheme Type field has a value of E, D, N, or P, this field must be filled with a value of zero.
- If the Market value of ordinary shares acquired field is greater than zero, this field must be greater than zero.

This refers to the market value of ordinary share at the time the options are acquired, when the ESS start-up concession appplies.
- This field is reported in whole dollars.
- This number is only required to be reported in the year the ESS interests are acquired. It will not be required to be reported again in a future year.
- If the Scheme Type field has a value of S, this field may be greater than zero. If the Scheme Type field has a value of E, D, N, or P, this field should be filled with zeroes.

This refers to the price at which the taker (buyer) of an option or warrant may buy/sell the underlying asset.
- This field is reported in whole dollars.
- If the Scheme Type field has a value of S, this field may be greater than zero. If the Scheme Type field has a value of E, D, N, or P, this field should be filled with zeroes.

This refers to the unique ESS plan Reference value that an employee is attached to. If a reporting party offers only a single plan to its employees, this field must still be populated.
This field is mandatory.

This field specifies the date the ESS interest will be taxed.
- This field must be within the same financial year as the ESS annual report.
When there is more than one taxing point during the year, enter the date of the first taxing point in this field.
This field must be a date on or after the date reported in the Acquisition Date field.
This field is mandatory.

This refers to the acquisition date of the shares or rights/ options.
This field should be validated if the Number of shares acquired field or the Number of options acquired field is populated.
NOTE: The only time that the Acquisition Date is populated in the Employee Share Scheme Statement is when the Scheme Type is S.

This field identifies whether the amount of discount has been adjusted for periods of overseas employment or the amount of discount is based on a full year regardless of the period of overseas employment.
The valid values in this field include 'A' (Assessable) and 'G' (Gross).

A period of foreign employment may allow you to reduce the taxable amount on ESS discounts if the employee is a foreign resident or temporary resident for tax purposes.

This section displays the date and time when and the user who performed the most recent change on this ESS Statement before it is included in an ATO ESS File.

This section displays the date and time when and the user who included this ESS Statement in an ATO ESS File.

This section displays the date and time when and the user who downloaded the ATO ESS File that includes ESS Statement.
When a record that is being updated has a status of ATO ESS File Downloaded (D), the following is expected:
A new amendment record is created which will have a status of Amendment Record Generated (G).
The current record that is being updated will have a status of Superceded (P) and an information message will appear at the top to indicate the date and time when and the user who performed the update.
The version number for the Amendment Record will be the [version of the current record being updated + 1].

This section displays the date and time when and the user who last reset this ESS Statement.